Thursday, December 13, 2012

Not Doing Squat Today

I am feeling like complete crud today.  My body hurts, the weather is dreary and so is  my mood, I'm exhausted, and it's freakin' freezing.  I can barely move my right hand and my left knee is screaming.  Yet I still have things I need to accomplish today.  Therefore, I made the decision that today will have to be a day of "rest," if for no other reason than I have to save every ounce of energy I have for going to the laundromat  going to a meeting, and attempting to clean this house with useless limbs (mom-in-law will be arriving Saturday). If you have heard of "The Spoon Theory," you may have some semblance of understanding.  Today is one of those days that I am short on spoons and I need to pick my battles.  Today, that battle is not exercise.  Today, the battle has to be life commitments, and in reality, the cleaning probably won't happen either.  The laundromat and meeting will have to do.  

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